Sunday, October 9, 2011

Web 2.0 and Dropbox

Within the teacher community, most of us are living multi-computer lives. Many of us have laptops, desktops, and smart phones. Web 2.0 is a platform within the web that transcends the dependence of a specific computer to access our saved information. It is often referred to as "cloud computing." Here is a video introduction to the concept: Because I spend so much time bouncing between computers, I have already taken advantage of the Google Suite, PicasaWeb, and Dropbox.

Dropbox has been especially helpful for school papers, pictures, and presentations. I used to email myself these items or use a flashdrive, but Dropbox allows me to put needed information into the "cloud," which I am later able to easily access. Dropbox allows for 2GB of free space, which is expandable if you use peer-pressure to get others to join ( As a person who is constantly terrified of the downfall of my computer, Dropbox is also a guarantee that important files won't be gone forever in the event of a stolen, soaked, or crashed computer. Take a tour of dropbox and see for yourself! (

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you've found a few tools that are a good fit. Couldn't agree more on Dropbox.
